Wasn't sure if we'd get any people to show up with it being the day before the 4th of July holiday or if it'd just be Gary and I out there but as it turned out there were four of us... seems fitting for the holiday. As a little pre-celebration, Adam brought a few fireworks that we lit at the Van Dorn trail head before entering the Park.

The Park did not disappoint, the trails were fast, flowy and smile inducing.

Due to all the recent rains there were several sections that were extremely overgrown and even a few downed trees.

Being the responsible trail users that we are and because we didn't want anyone to impale themselves on a branch we decided to clear the trail of the two downed trees we came across. Thanks to Gary for the use of his camera and Joy for the photography work.

Riding and trail work always makes you thirsty, riding with others just gives you a chance to share.

Great group for the ride on Thursday, hopefully we are done with the rain, rain, repeat cycle for a bit so that we can get in many more of these rides before the summer slips away.
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