It's nutty to think that Global Fat Bike Day for 2023 was almost two weeks ago now! My how the time flies when you're... well, living life really, fun or not. It is alarming at times when you stop and think about just how quickly the days, week, month and years seem to go by at an ever increasing pace. Some days it seems like the days are like a tether ball arching around a pole, the shorter the rope gets the faster that ball travels around the pole until... WHACK! No more spinning.

Well that was a bit of a dark turn, let's get this thing back on a positive axis. This was our 9th event, dating all the way back to 2015 when Fat Bikes ruled the biking industry there for a bit it seemed. We got more swag to give away in those first 2-3 years than some gravel events get now, it was crazy. Things have calmed substantially on the Fat Bike and the event has morphed to less swag and just more of a group ride with a chili cook off at the end, and you know what? That's okay, I kind of like the less hectic pace of the event now vs. it's heyday.

Who needs swag when you can get all the smiles and comradery you could ever ask for.

Camera took a shite so I'm down a camera right now and while the phone does an okay job it's no "real camera" for sure... then again it takes way better pictures than the camera makes phone calls, so there is that. Any way, bought the insurance due to other issues in the past with cameras so it'll get replaced after the holidays. Until then you get some subpar pictures. It's always a bit of an adventure getting 30+ fat bikes from the shop to Wilderness but it's great seeing people's faces as we roll by.

The spin through Wilderness Park was pretty spirited at the beginning but then settled down to a more managable pace, as is always the case it seems people branch off of the main ride... and take unsuspecting people with them that follow thinking that they are following the main route. Herding cats man, just like herding cats.

After the ride was the chili cook off, one of my favorite parts of the ride... so many great chilis to try and they are all good.

This year in addition to gift cards for the top 3 chilis we also had gold, silver and broze medals. Joe took the top spot, Jackie and I took second and Gary rounded out the podium. I guess now we can say we make an award winning chili! Can't wait for next year, I hope this is a ride we can keep going for several years to come.