Is Vlogging the natural transition from blogging, like typing is to handwritten stories or are we already well past that and I need to up my Tik Tok game? Since acquiring the GoPro and figuring out how much time goes into producing even an halfway decent video that isn't just 35 minutes of you riding in real time set to music, the ole blog has sort of taken a bit of a back seat here as of late. In a perfect world a person would have unlimited amounts of times to do all those things they wanted to do without being interrupted by things they have to do. We, or at least I, don't live in that world unfortunately but I'm trying to figure out balance... Danielson.

After a few weeks of back to back races we attempted to finally have a normal Saturday ride, then Mother Nature literally rained on our parade. I had toyed with the idea of getting into Wilderness Park earlier in the week but that didn't happen and with rain overnight Friday even the gravel seemed like it might be a no go early Saturday. Fear not, where there is a will there is a way and on Saturday that way was to have an in town gravel ride. Well, some gravel anyway in the form of several alleys. No clue how many people who come out cheer or groan at the idea of riding alleys but I dig them and it adds a different view instead of riding the same trails and roads. Traffic is also almost nonexistent on them so that is also one less worry with a larger group of people.

Also ventured down some quiet neighborhood streets to stay off the multi-use trail that hugs the edge of a busy street, who wants that on a peaceful bicycle ride. Even scooted across the mostly forgotten levee trail north of Holmes Lake, there was a time when there was more gravel than grass on this trail but due to lack of use nature has tried to reclaim it and done a pretty good job of it if not for the mowers.

Hit up the newly opened Filling Station in the old Panic building and then the Haymarket White Elm location before heading back to the shop and calling it a day. Good little ride, great group of people and a fun day overall. Why can't they all be like this.