Boy what a difference a week makes, last Saturday it struggled to get much above freezing, more so if you factored in the the feels like temps. This week Saturday was already in the 40° range at the start of the ride on it's way to the mid fifties before we were done. Due to the weather last week I didn't get in the traditional birthday ride that is supposed to equal the number of miles to match the number of years old you are on my actual birthday weekend, but this Saturday cooperated and allowed us to check that off the list. The plan this week wasn't really for the birthday ride, it just worked out that way, the actual plan was a pretty flat spin out to Cortland, Nebraska and the increasingly popular Paper Moon Pastries, named after the 1973 Crime/Drama/Comedy of the same name... minus the pastries part.

Flat might sound like some people's idea of a great ride but do it for any distance and the constant pedaling, constant saddle time and monotony are enough to make you wish you had some hills to liven things up. No hills on the way out but we did come across a few wild Turkeys to give chase to, the feathered variety not the alcohol type in this case. I guess I single speed faster than ole Tom runs because he got annoyed with me after a bit and took flight, I have to say it's a little whimsical to watch a 20 lbs bird take off and attempt to look graceful while trying to maintain altitude.

The old railroad bridge still makes for a good bridge beer stop but with the new beltway looming not too far away now the sounds and sights of the constant traffic is less ideal than it used to be. Progress they say.

They're known for their cinnamon rolls and throw back atmosphere and dress but I tell you what, that little German Chocolate cupcake in the forefront there gave those rolls a run for their money, IMO. Generally they also have very delicious Kolaches as well, a few in our group were looking forward to them actually, but a couple of tour buses has rolled through before we got there and snatched up all the Kolaches. Tour of what I have no idea but it's great to see a small town Mom and Pop type establishment getting that kind of business. Big chains are great for implied quality and consistency when traveling but it's hard to beat the home cooked taste and feel of a local outfit.

After a bit of a rest and a sugar high, it was time to hit the gravel for the journey back to town.

Hit up the Roca Tavern on the spin back for a cold refreshment. I discovered a flag on the back patio area and did my best impression of a color guard waving the Big Red flag to and fro. The flag had seen better days for sure but, then again, so has the football team so I suppose it's a fitting representation of the state of things in the Husker football state.

We jumped back on the trail after departing Roca and made quick work of the remaining miles back into town, thus ending another fun Saturday Morning Ride. Weather this week is looking like it might try to look more like winter again on a few of the days so hopefully it won't impact next weeks activities too much. Two weeks from now we are bikepacking from Marysville, Kansas to Americus, Kansas and then partaking in the Flint Hills Gravel Ride so I suppose if this week wants to misbehave so that next week can be more like spring again then let it do it's worse this week and get it out of the way.