As adults some of us refuse to celebrate the anniversary of our birth, I guess somehow thinking that if you don't celebrate it then it never happened... well there will come a day when you'll run out of birthdays so you might as well celebrate the ones you still have left. Jackie's birthday was officially on the 29th of last month but we were so busy that we didn't get to celebrate a ride with friends until this month but ride we did when we got the chance.

The weather almost didn't want to cooperate with us, temps were really low for July and the roads would prove to be a little soft but sometimes when life gives you lemons you make a lemon birthday cake.

There were several reroutes on the ride as we encountered roads that just weren't ridable but sometimes just going with the flow rewards you with fluffy balls of purr and it did on this ride. We happened to be standing around enjoying a ditch beer when these three adorable kittens came clamoring out of where ever they were hiding and were rewarded with as much affection as they could endure.

The first stop on the birthday tour was the Side Trek bar in Harbine where beers, jello shots and a butterscotch "sperm shot" were consumed before moving on.

Steele City and the Salty Dog was the place for lunch, got a few odd looks and chased off a few of the locals when we arrived but I think that is always the case when a bunch of sweaty, spandex clad cyclist show up en mass. We have been to the Dog several times on several different rides so it shouldn't be too much of a shock but it still seems to raise some eyebrows and cause some necks to crane when we walk in.

Bridge beers followed lunch on the bridge heading into or out of Steele City, also a bridge we've been across multiple times but given it's precarious deck of planks I'd never noticed the limestone walls of the river banks before. I guess I was preoccupied with not dropping a wheel into the crevice between boards and launching myself face first into splinterville, sometimes you really do need to stop and smell the roses I guess.

I have a propensity to moo at cows when I see them, most times they tend to moo back and we have a little cow-versation that neither or us quite understands but we do it anyway. This is the first time I've ever had a group jog on over and join in our group. The ladies of the pasture weren't even all that close, I'd say when I first bellowed my first moooooooo they were a few hundred yards away on the other side of a grove of trees. They ran around the grove and straight over to us to see what all the commotion was about and stayed there until we departed some 5-10 minutes later. I really need to get my hands on a cow to human dictionary, I might be making offers and promises I can't hope to fulfill and that would just be rude on my part.

After leaving the ladies in the pasture we high tailed it home and grilled up some food, braut burgers not the hamburger variety as to not offend our new found friends. Cake was eaten, beers were consumed and conversations were had and this time we all understood what the other was saying.