The calendar may have rolled over to Spring but winter is still in the air around here or at least in the mornings and Saturday was no exception. When we set sail on the gravel in the morning the temps were in the 30° range with the wind chill and expected to get up into the 60° range by the time we were done. Dressing for 30° temperature swings is sometimes a game of do I want to be cold to start or hot at the end. I opted for a bit chilly at the start, for me riding while hot always affects me more than riding when a little colder. Plus then I don't have to figure out what to do with all the layers that get stripped off during the course of the ride.

Since I had yet to make it out to Brixstone Coffee and Bakehouse in Malcolm due to it's somewhat early hours on Saturdays, it was decided that we would leave from the Fallbrook area an hour an a half earlier than is customary to make it to the shop before it closed. Even with the early departure time we were still going to have to make sure we did not lollygag too much since the coffee shop was at about mile 25 on the route. This meant all the normal shenanigans were going to have to wait until the second part of the ride. The things we will do for a good coffee.

Brixstone was good, coffee and food was good and the service was quick considering a dozen of us invaded all at once. They even had live music going on out on the lawn to the west of the building, as a matter of fact downtown Malcolm was kind of hopping on Saturday. Live music at Brixstone, the Bookmobile was in town and Genoa Food Company bought the old Lippy's BBQ building and they were over there busily getting things ready for the May 7th soft opening. I strolled over and chatted them up a bit before we took off and it sounds like they have big plans for the building and plan to serve burgers, sandwiches and artisan pizzas along with ice cold beer. I guess they are also opening a patio area out back that I didn't even know existed and plan to rent out the top for events down the road. Hope they can make things work there as it's been decades since there was a restaurant in town prior to Lippy's brief stint in the building.

The spin back to Lincoln was at a much more leisurely pace and of course we had to find a suitable location for the bridge/ditch beer and what other beer would be more fitting than the apt named Ditch Beer 2021 from Kros Strain Brewing.
Quick video of Saturday's adventures.
Sunday single track on the tandem.