You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own, you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Trail Trekin...
Today was the 11th annual Trail Trek in good old Lincoln Nebraska. I really enjoy this ride its actually one of my favorites even though its just a ride on the same cement paths I ride all the time, I think I've made everyone except for one, I even have most of the t-shirts still to prove it... you know if anyone cares.

Not too many people out and about this early on a Sunday, I'm guessing the few cars are probably just left over by those who partook too much Saturday night since nothing is really opened in the Haymarket this early.

Had been raining earlier in the morning and looked like it still could but it held off thankfully, clouds kept the temps really mild for a change which was nice it's usually steamy for this ride. I was a bit surprised by turnout considering the potential for rain, shirts were a bit "Neebo green" this year not sure why that color has become so popular.

Had to stop in and say hi to these two hard working, dedicated guys; great bike shop that's always giving back to the community. Always buy local!

Good times.

See look at that smile! It is a smile right?!?

Now this guy really seems to be having fun... or a bit touched in the head, either way its an ear to ear grin so he must be enjoying the ride.

Coming back to Haymarket Park, could already smell the pulled pork sammiches.

KFRX was in the house, not really a fan of the station or the music for the most part but Chi got some back.

Hy-Vee catered the food again this year, they do a really good job of supplying tasty food... it's too bad that markers don't have spell check. I guess as long as the food is hot and delicious I can overlook a missing W here or there.
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