Had a great New Years Eve celebration in Lincoln with some good friends, we didn't get too wild but rather stayed in and celebrated with good, games and maybe a drink or two. The party didn't rage but it did take us into the wee hours of the morning, 4 am to be exact, which put a little bit of a kink in the original plans to ride on New Years morning.

It was still cold around noon when we had finally gotten around to eating brunch and started talking about riding and the temps were still in the single digits. There was some hemming and hawing about going out or skipping the ride but riding won out in the end so after suiting up in a bazillion layers we set off with no particular route in mind.

Frozen porn stache even made an appearance or two on the ride, it's a good thing that there is a beard under the Lung Cookie because I'm not sure I could pull off a stache alone without looking like a creeper.

As I said, we really didn't have a destination in mind when we set out and pretty much figured that we wouldn't see anything open so we would just end up riding a loop. You never look a gift horse in the mouth as the say, so when we saw that Code Beer Co. had a "We are Opened" sign out front we made a hasty B line for the door. It was a nice halfway stop to warm up and to enjoy a frosty beverage with the fellas.

It wasn't the longest ride, it might not be the coldest ride of the year but it was a good ride none the less and I'm glad we decided to get out after all. 2017 was a pretty good year on the bike and I'm hoping 2018 is even better. Hope everyone had a great New Years celebration, stay warm friends.
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