Rolling into Mid November we have been lucky to have some fantastic weekends as of late but while it's beautiful now it also fills me with a sense of uneasiness and apprehension. Here in the mid-west is always seems like if we have mild November and December days, we end up paying for it on the back end of winter in March and April when were are anxious for the thaw to get here.

Rolled on down the Rock Island trail and over the fantastic new connector bridge and onto the Jamaica Trail. Such a great accomplishment for the city and a much needed safe way for families to get to Wilderness Park and beyond via the rest of the trail system it now connects to. Might have to start throwing this into the regular rotation when we can, still not the easiest way out to gravel but if they build it, you should ride it.

The plan for Saturday was sort of an semi organized non-plan, plan to ride roads we haven't ridden and see things near Lincoln we hadn't seen before. This covered bridge in the ritzy hood was on the top of that list, not sure what a covered bridge is costing these days but it can't be cheap.

On the way to Denton we Columbus style discovered and old Renault just off the road by and old, dilapidated barn. Like the good friend that I am, I let the others test the waters to make sure that nobody was going to get all shot gunny before I wandered over to get a quick picture.

Hit up the gas station in Denton for some food and beverage and discovered that Gas Mitts are a thing. No germs seems good... but likely only works if A) they aren't outside in the elements, hanging on the pole holding up the gas pump cover and B) the previous 100 people sticking their grubby fingers into the box to extract a mitt were also germ free. I did not take my complimentary gas mitt so if you're ever in Denton, you're more than welcome to mine.

Since the gas station is the place to be in Denton with lots of folks in, out and all about, we took our wares and headed a few blocks down the road to the outdoor pavilion in the park where spatially we could distance ourselves from ourselves. There we discovered a disturbing half naked doll awaiting us. Yes I know she looks dressed but I added the blue to the blur to make it look like Betsy Wetsy was still an innocent curio, so as to not invite the disquieting voices in your head from trying to figure out what exactly took place here prior to our arrival. Some dear moppet is probably wondering what happened to their dear dolly, for their sake I hope they do not find it... that doll has experienced some shit I fear.

Our ride back to Lincoln was fairly uneventful and we found ourselves at White Elm procuring a few to go beverages for later and then onto Saro for a hot apple cider for the now.

Before departing Saro I discovered two things, I needed to drink more water and I now know the real reason Donny is always a shade of orange/yellow. In a way it also possibly explains the fly problem on the veep as well.

Oooooh, I guess three things if you count the fact that I learned that the former Panic building is going to become a coffee shop. Aptly calling itself The Filling Station, in a building that used to be a filling station back in the day. This will make an excellent stopping spot on a cold day and is slated to open on February 4th 2021, still while we are in the grips of winter.

Ran us down a couple of alleys again this week, I really dig them and since I made the route everyone else had to go along also. Odd little gnome showed up at the shop a few days ago, well a few days ago on Saturday time, not sure where he came from but Christmas gnomes seem to be all the fashion this season so he'll fit right in.
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