Saturdays are usually for bikes but sometimes you have to give back a little instead of always taking, this Saturday was one of those occasions.

I'm not much for running, I can run but I did enough of that in the Marines to last me a few life times so I don't do it all that much anymore but the Run for the Bridges is a great event that helps to support Wilderness Park and that's something I can get behind. Saturday a few of us volunteered to help out again this year, I think this is my 3rd or 4th year helping and it's always a lot of fun. While I might not share their passion for running, the group that comes out for the run are a great group of folks.

Sarah, Gary, Todd and I all met up at Gary's and rode down to Wilderness and then we rode with Sarah out to her aide station at Old Cheney since she was the farthest out. Not that she needed us to ride out with her but it's always more fun to ride with friends.

Todd, Gary and I ended up at the new bridge with a few others, it was a great and enthusiastic group.

Supporting the run wasn't in the cards for everyone and the rest of the gang decided to ride a century on Saturday morning. Not wanting to be left out of all the fun, Todd and I decided to drive out to Malcolm and ride the route backwards and meet up with the early risers who would have already have been churning cranks for hours.

While we weren't exactly out for a leisurely ride in the country, there was a little extra time for a few photo opportunities.

Probably the weirdest thing we saw all day was one of those light bulb sculptures that Lincoln did a few years back, it was just sitting in a field, in the middle of nowhere.

Got word that the others were just up the road a bit in Bee so we decided to pull into Garland, grab a bite to eat and little something to drink and wait for them to rendezvous with us at the Outlaw.

With the band back together, it was time to head back to Malcolm and try to beat the sunset.

We did pick up a new friend along the way, followed us for miles before we realized we had to turn back and find someone who knew him before he followed us all the way to Malcolm.

We had to pick up the pace just a tad as the sun was setting faster than anticipated but what a beautiful sunset it was.

Sunset or no sunset, there's always time for pictures with friends.

Despite the groupie we managed to make it back before the last of the dying light faded for the night, Farley looks pretty good by the glow of the neon of the Malcolm General Store. While Todd and I didn't quite get the 100 miles that the others did, we still managed a decent 56 miles for the day which isn't too shabby at all.
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