Our third annual Holiday Lights ride was Saturday evening but with temps in the upper 40° range at the start, you might not have guessed it was December. Light jackets and medium layer gloves were all that was needed for the ride this year.

This ride is so much fun, it's always such a festive group that shows up and they really go above and beyond in decorating themselves and their bikes in the holiday spirit.

Two lovely ladies from the Nebraska Lottery were out giving away scratch tickets and T-shirts if you entered their drawing. Sorry fellas, Rick already won the lottery when he married the third lovely lady.

Even Kris Kringle was getting in on the action, while he is good at delivering bikes to good boys and girl, he is not a very good at finding a bicycle for himself that fits properly. Both wheels on the ground Santa!

After some hot cider and cookies it was time for a short ride down to the Sheridan neighborhood to view the lights on Stratford Avenue. If you've never been down Stratford you should go, it's one of the few streets in Lincoln where almost every house on the two blocks all participate in putting up holiday lights. It always seems more like Christmas after viewing the lights on Stratford, even if the temps are more spring like than late fall.

Believe me the photos do not do the lights the proper justice that they deserve, you really need to go look for yourself to enjoy them as they should be viewed. Two laps around the two blocks and a short jaunt down Sheridan and it was time to head towards Yia Yias Pizza for food and beverages.

I tell you what, riding down N Street with a parade of bicycles lit up with lights is something to see. We got more than a few honks during the ride, now it's impossible to judge inflection from a car horn but I think they were honks of approval. One lady near the shop even ran back into her house to call her kids out to watch as we passed by.

For those who wanted to participate the festivities continued on for a bit more with Pizza, beverages and great company.
Thanks to everyone who came out and joined us for our third annual Holiday Lights Ride, look for it to return next year as it really is a lot of fun to see all of you get in the holiday spirit with your bicycles, sweaters and other festive wear. Maybe we will even look into exploring more neighborhoods that also participate in decorating with holiday lights if we can figure out a way to link them up without making the ride too long.
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