Yesterday was Saturday and of course that means fat bikes, it was also a chilly start and the wind was not helping at all with that fact; I'm not sure I'm ready for the cold season but it seems like it might finally be upon us either way. The plan was to meander through town and then out to the Homestead for a cruise down to Roca Road and then on to Hickman.

There was a pretty robust breeze coming out of the north so we had a nice tailwind for the ride out to Hickman, making it a fairly quick spin out. It's nice to have the wind with you every once in awhile, it seems like Nebraska is famous for wind direction changing directions mid way through the day so it's not uncommon to have a head or tail wind all day depending.

9 South in Hickman did not disappoint as usual, food and beverage were great. I have a feeling that the staff was a little surprised to see 12 of us walk in, they were hoping for a quiet Saturday now that college football is over and not 12 sweaty cyclists stinking up the joint. As a bonus, the drier in the restrooms makes a great clothes drier if you happen to sweat a little more than you should. Wet, cold clothes are the worst thing you can have when you are riding in the cold.

Unfortunately a tail wind on the way out meant a head wind on the way back, and it had grown some teeth while we were eating.

Despite the wind we made good time back to Lincoln, which ended the official SMNDFBR for another week.

Some of us continued on to Method for a beverage, with the chill in the air I opted for a nice warm Latte; it was delicious.
Quite a bit other news for this week, first long time SMNDFBR rider, personal friend and friend of the shop; Sarah had two of her bikes stolen this weekend. Please keep an eye out for them and lets try to get them back. From the sounds of it, the individual(s) who stole them also got another 5 high end bikes out of the same shared condo garage and they left some lesser quality bikes so they knew what they were looking for. Here is a link to the Facebook post.

Also there is a pretty good write up about Gravel Worlds in this month's Peleton Magazine, the article even includes photos by Omaha photographer and friend Michael McColgan of McColgan Photography. If you want to check it out you better hurry before all the issues disappear off the shelves.
A couple of upcoming events that you don't want to miss are happening at the shop this week.

First up on Wednesday is our screening of Scrooged, details can be found here.

Then on Saturday we will be having our Holiday Lights Ride again this year, details for that can be found here. Hope to see you all this week at both events.
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