~ To the tune of Waterfalls by TLC ~
Don't go chasin' faster dudes
Please stick to the rhythm and the cadence that you're used
I know that you're gonna want them KOM’s or nothing at all
But I think you're pedaling too fast
Skinny roadie has a natural obsession
For segments that he just can't beat
Strava gives him challenges his body can't handle
But all he can say is, "Baby it's gotta be me"
One day he goes and takes a glimpse in the mirror
But he doesn't recognize his own face
His health is fading and he doesn't know why
Three letters took him to his final resting place,
don't hear me
Don't go chasin' faster dudes
Please stick to the rhythm and the cadence that you're used
I know that you're gonna want them KOM’s or nothing at all
But I think you're pedaling too fast
Awesomely, fantastic group for last nights ThNNDRR, huge group as well with 13 of us at one point during the ride. I was feeling pretty good and ambitiously, perhaps too much so, and decided to try to make it to Cortland and back before it got too late.

We rolled out of Cycle Works and had a few miles of neutral start via the always excellent city bike paths, it was pretty cool seeing all those bikes riding along in a group.

Once we got out on the open road the pace picked up a little bit, nothing crazy but faster than I generally like to ride on the populated trials within the city.

Had a really strong group as well and the couple of regroups that we did have were fairly short as we were mostly within a few minutes of each other.

How awesome was the group last night... so awesome we even had a Bike Rack rider join us for a bit. He might not have actually joined us as much as he was riding the same direction at the same time but I'd like to think we were one cohesive unit of like minded cyclists.

What wasn't so awesome were a few of the pictures from the Cycle Works staff photographer, if you want my opinion I think that they pay that guy too much money given the quality of some of the stuff he puts out but they don't let me make those types of decisions and probably wisely so.

The group made it to Princeton by about 7 pm, I had hoped we would have been in Cortland by this time but it just wasn't in the cards with the fairly decent headwind we were fighting but sometimes you just have to make the best of what nature gives you. It's a shame that Princeton doesn't have any services in the town, it would be an ideal refuel stop and an enjoyable ride destination in itself if there were anything there. 9 of us decided to push on to Cortland while 4 of us decided that they should head back to Lincoln and save a little fun for another day.

The pace was decidedly quicker from Princeton to Cortland than it was from Lincoln to Princeton, I think everyone realized if we wanted to make it back to Lincoln at a decent time we were going to have to bump it up a notch. We quickly invaded the unsuspecting Sinclair EZ Stop, dripped a little sweat here and there while refueling for the push home.

With the wind at our backs and a steady decline into Lincoln the guys were flying, Chris was pretty quiet on his recumbent until we pointed back toward Lincoln and then beast mode came out, that guy can absolutely fly on his recline- o - bicycle.

After a few of miles of trying to stick on Chris's wheel a couple of things were apparent, keeping this pace for the next 20 something miles didn't sound enjoyable and we were dropping a few people off the back end maintaining the pace. Not wanting to have anyone ride home alone in the growing darkness I decided to give up the ghost and drop back to see where everyone was, several still decided to give chase and the rest of us decided to hang back, spin at a nice pace and enjoy the beautiful night it turned out to be. Totals for the night were right at 50 miles in just a tad over 3 hours for about a 15.5 mph for the average, not a bad ride at all.
Thanks to all that came out and made it even a more enjoyable ride, for me it's never been about how fast we go but that everyone has fun and hopefully we accomplished that last night.
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