Last night was the Thursday Night No Drop Road Ride and it was also the return of Rick leading the ride again, which relegated me to just another participant clad head to toe in Lycra with no responsibilities what so ever. Underachieving since 1972, yeessss!
Here we can see Rick and Chris riding off into the sunset, as Cher would say, just like Jesse James or would it be Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid since there are two of them? Either way they strike a handsome and rugged silhouette don't you think.

Took a bit more urban path out to Folsom Road and avoided the bike paths, looks like they are finally getting around to building that parking garage at 19th and P St. they were talking about a few years back... it's a bad time to be an old building in Lincoln Nebraska they all seem to be disappearing one by one.

Nobody ever looks at the camera... need to get one of those birdies that the professional photographers are always making you look at. I wonder where someone can pick up a compact version of those so I can easily carry it while riding.

Rode past the Lincoln Bike Kitchen, if you're in need of a used bicycle for cheap or free it looks like they have plenty that you can work for.

Couple of dudes on bikes, trying not to become a hood ornament for a Dodge Durango, Folsom Street was pretty busy last night for some reason.

1/4 mile of gravel on Folsom caused a bit of a group break up, still not sure why they didn't pave it when they paved this section of Folsom for the new development that never... um, developed, doh!

Once we turned onto Denton road it was time for a few rollers and not many pictures until we got back into town, between gasping for breath on the way up and applying a death grip on the bars on the way down, there isn't much time for holding a camera; let alone keeping it steady.
Caught this interesting mode of transportation just north of Old Cheney Road on the Rock Island Trail... not sure if this would count as a motorized vehicle or not?
Thanks to all who came out and rode with us, it was a great night for a ride.
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