Thursday, February 9, 2023

So Low or Solo


Last Saturday temps were nearing 50° around these parts which means that riding, if you can, is a must despite it being the middle of the brown season. Jackie is still rehabbing her shoulder so rather than heading up for the normal Saturday shenanigans I stuck close to home and decided on a solo adventure. Great thing about living in a small town is that gravel more than abundant and never far away!


Photo Feb 04 2023, 1 26 12 PM

That furry little prognosticator says we have 6 more weeks of winter, maybe he's right but the extended forecast right now says that he's full of poop and to be honest I am okay with that. An early spring wouldn't hurt my feelings at all and there have been a few other unusual indicators that maybe the rat is wrong. Just the other day, for example, I saw several flocks of geese heading north in formation. Not sure geese subscribe to the Punxsutawney Spirit or pay much heed to The Weather Channel so maybe they didn't get the memo or maybe they know something we don't know. 


To remind me that winter might not quite be done yet, there were several roads still covered in ice and snow in the shade. More than a few still had copious amounts of mud spanning them also, had a route all planned out but gave up on it after about 3 miles and decided to create a ride on the fly based on roads I could find that were dry. MMRs are fun when dry but a nightmare when you add even a little bit of moisture. 



Also managed to make a fur friend along the way, definitely an outdoor Tomcat as he had the scars to prove it on his face and upper body but he was friendly enough despite life's best efforts to beat him down. Farm cattin is a rough life.


Speaking of life being a bit more rough than it has to be, during my journey on Saturday I happened to roll passed a friend's parent's farm who unfortunately had a house fire the night before and lost almost everything in the house and garage. Hadn't intended to pass by, honestly wasn't even sure where the house was exactly since it was only listed as south of Jansen in the news but seeing it first hand really struck home how quickly life can change on you. I know many of you might not know these folks but they sure could use a little help if you happen to have something extra to give this month and their daughter and future son-in-law are gravel family. Below is the link to the GoFundMe that has been setup to help them get back on their feet, anything would be appreciated I am more than sure. 

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