Last week was a bit of an odd one for me, well not so much me as it was for a friend of mine who received some potentially horrible news. It ended up being almost the best case scenario but that was not revealed until way deep into the week. Since there was a lot of unknown for most of the week I had decided to skip the normal weekend activities so that I could be there if it came to that, thankfully it did not. Plans were still kept to hang out on Saturday so instead of the usual ride I stuck closer to home and did a solo gravel ride in the morning before the meetup.

Saturday ended up being kind of a chilly, windy, overcast and dreary day but riding still seemed better than sitting on the couch. Chased these two turkeys along the fence line for about a quarter mile before they figured out to cross the road since they couldn't get through the fence. Chase being a relative term actually since I was just minding my own business and stayed on the road but they thought I was chasing them.

It had been a while since I had ridden up north and I almost forgot how hilly it can get up here, taking the Pugsley on a windy day probably wasn't the best choice for such terrain. As they say what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger and since I didn't die I therefore must be stronger.

It was meant to be a pretty slow roll anyway so I guess bike choice didn't make that much of a difference. Not needing to share the bridge beer was nice, don't get me wrong sharing is caring but sometimes gluttony has it's place also.

Saturday afternoon we whipped up some steak and chicken fajitas and ate ourselves silly, such a great dish and super simple to make.
Did some single track on Sunday and then again on Monday for the first Monday Night Ride of the season. I'm glad to see the rides continuing on Mondays despite the relocation of the the shop that used to put them on, riding with a group is always a bit more motivating than soloing it all the time. Not much for pictures on the single track riding but with the new GoPro there is video and if a picture is worth a thousand words, a video must be a few million. Work smarter not harder I guess, any who, here are the videos from the weekend. Hope you enjoy them.
Saturday Single Track.
Monday Single Track.
Horse Power Brother - Stay Strong
P.S. Monday Night Single Track Was Pretty Cool
Thanks, starting to get the hang of this GoPro thing. More videos to follow.