Got a new job since last summer, I like the new job but one of the downsides is that getting off before 5 isn't an option at this point. What that means is that I can't get to Cycle Works on time to make the start of the Thursday Night No Drop Road Ride (ThNNDRR) so, rather than skipping it all together I've decided that I'll show up when I can and try to chase the group down. Thankfully I had a partner in crime for this ride, Carlos is one of those Latin climbers that make hills look easy when they aren't. That's a good thing when you're heading into a head wind and uphill all the way to Ceresco, it was nice to duck in behind him from time to time and suck that wheel.

Since the group had a half hour lead on us, there weren't many pictures on the way out as it was all heads down and pedals turning. A half hour is a pretty good lead but one advantage we had was that we didn't have to stop for regroups and I think that really helped as we caught them just as the tail end was pulling into the Casey's in Ceresco.

The ride back was faster but easier as it had both a tailwind and was mostly down hill, may times I'd look down and we were chugging along at 21-23 mph, without nearly the effort it took to maintain 16 mph on the way out. Hooray, tailwinds and descents!

Until we had a flat, things were going just a little bit too well, but on the bright side most of us got to chit chat a little bit while we waited. This one was a doozy, had a cut in the sidewall that had to be booted.

A little while later and we were back on the road none the worse for wear, just with a little less light.

And then we had another flat, luckily this one was after we were already back in town. This one was much quicker to fix and we were back at the shop in no time at all.
Thanks to all those who made it out for the ride, even if I only got to ride half of it with you all. It was the best half though. Here's to chasing you all down next week.
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