The annual Turkey Day Ride in Lincoln is one of my favorite rides of the year, for me this marks the fourth year I've had knowledge of the ride but only the third iteration I've been on because the weather last year kept me from making it. I found out about the ride through Nathan in 2012, it's by invite only, not that you probably couldn't get an invite if you asked the right people, and always ends with bacon dishes and beermosas, so what's not to like.

Not much for story on this one, mainly just pictures from the ride.

Menu and tip jar, yes! Thanks to Kyle and his family for hosting the ride for the last three years, here's hoping it keeps going for the foreseeable future.

Had a little time after the Turkey Ride and before the meetup with the future in-laws so we scooted over the Holmes Lake. It was a bit eerie and post apocalyptic as there was nobody around, in a park, in the middle of the day, in a city of 300,000 people! Great photos though with the calm waters and overcast skies.
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