Yesterday was a beautiful day for the SMNDFBR, temps were in the 70s with just a minimal wind, couldn't have asked for a nicer day really. With lots of other activities going on, Spring Fling, Battle Royal at Platte River State Park. UNL Graduation and the Guardians of Freedoms Air Show, the numbers for the ride were a bit smaller than normal but still a respectable 6 riders.

With the Farmers Market in full swing and UNL's graduation ceremonies going on at Pinnacle Bank Arena, it was determined that the best route would be down the Rock Island trail to Old Cheney and into Wilderness Park there.

Other than one wet spot we had to circumnavigate, the trail was in really good shape. It would have been nice if everyone would have gone around the wet spots when they found them, instead there were plenty of ruts and torn up areas that indicated several people had been riding well before the trail was dry enough.

Not a sign that you see very often while riding in Wilderness but as we approached the 14th Street parking lot, this was posted none the less.

As it turns out Urgent Care was filming a commercial with zombies!

The zombies were very cool and even posed for a few pictures with us, they looked like the undead and we smelled like it so we were a match made in heaven so to speak.

After escaping without being bitten by a zombie, we popped across 14th street and continued on the other side. Seems like that side gets a lot less love, trail was in decent shape but you could tell it isn't ridden/walked as much and it definitely was in worse need of a haircut than the trails west of 14th. On the plus side there weren't a ton of mosquitoes out yet, so our luck of not getting bitten in Wilderness was holding strong.

Decided to take a bit more of the Jamaican trail back to skip the one wet spot... sure will be nice when they can get to repairing this section, I know other sections have been or are in the process of being repaired. Not sure what is taking the city so long to get started but it is what it is I suppose.

Ducked back into the trees on the dry section and made short work of it back to civilization.

Met a roving bike gang on 4th street, pretty cool to see kids outside, even better when they are on bikes!

We were hoping that the farmers market would be done by the time we rolled through the Haymarket but we didn't time it quite right, luckily we were still able to roll through without too much trouble.
Thanks to all who made it out, hopefully warmer days with less rain are on the horizon. No SMNDFBR next week due to the Wear Yellow Ride but join us on the 21st, we've got some good gravel in the works.
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