An extended Easter weekend, temps in the 60s and dry dirt to ride in Wilderness Park made for the perfect Saturday Morning No Drop Fat Bike Ride trifecta.

Since it was Easter weekend, a lot of the usual participants were out of town which made the group a bit smaller than usual but no less fun.

Met up with Gary at the trail head, bringing our number to 4 before entering Wilderness.

The trail was in near perfect shape, dry and fast but just shy of being dusty like it can get in the height of summer, some might call it hero dirt but for the sake of not making those evil doers feel bad we will just call it really good dirt.

Somewhere upstream from us, someone is getting a lot more rain than we are. Lincoln's version of white water rapids were in full effect, we could hear the almost (non) deafening roar from the Jamaican Trail during one of the regroups.

Regroup, layer shedding time.

Winter snow and mud has not been kind to the Farley's chain, on the way back it finally gave up the good fight. Luckily we were almost done with the ride and in close proximity to this conviniently located picnic table. Thanks Lincoln Park and Rec for the... uh, table up, on the bicycle repair.

Not sure what happened to the other half of the one link, last I heard of it, it was shooting off the bike and into the bushes, yelling something close to FREEDOM! Fortunately I had a chain tool on me and 15 minutes later I was two links short on chain length but rolling again, which is a lot better than pushing the bike for a few miles.

A stop at Crescent Moon Coffee for a Breve and key lime scone was just what was needed to end the ride on a bright spot. Looks like rain is in the forecast for the middle of the week, hopefully everyone got out and rode a little dirt this weekend while it was good... if not you better get it in before Tuesday or you might have to wait another week or so before it's good again. Thanks to all those who made it out, these rides have been a lot of fun.
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