The second official day of Fall was anything but Fall like, I'm not sure if seasons get PTO or not but it sure took a hiatus on Saturday. Temps were already nearing 80° by 9 am and were predicted to get into the 90° range before it was all said and done. And the wind, something about Fall and Spring in Nebraska just pisses the winds off something terrible and they have their little tantrums frequently and it was pitching a fit Saturday for sure.

10 of us set off from the shop on the MoPac heading East toward Elmwood, we picked up Kevin along the way to make it 11 but he begged off at Walton so his was just a brief stint with the crew. We did have a new rider join us however, Skylar was his name, he was a recent graduate of our very own UNL, rode an Ogre and his family owns land off of 176th not too far from the MoPac.

Earlier in the week one of the regulars had suggested a ride out to Elmwood and to be honest a more casual ride on the MoPac sounded pretty darn nice... half of us thought so too and we rode out at a fairly manageable, conversational pace while the usual suspects took off like scalded cats. Which is fine, it just meant more ditch beer for those of us who stopped to smell the stout and it was a good one.

Properly gassed up we lit out like an alcohol fueled funny car, pun maybe intended, toward Elmwood once again.

We caught up with the rest of the group at The Quonset in Elmwood for some hot food, cold beverages and great conversation.

After lunch it was back on the bikes and back to Lincoln we flew, temps were climbing by then and ole Garmin said it was about 94 by this time.

The wheels on the bus go round and round, until they fall off. Not sure if it was the heat or what but I just wasn't feeling it on the way back and it was a bit of a struggle to maintain a decent pace.

There's always time for a hut stop though, no matter how slow or blah you feel.

A few more miles and we were back in Lincoln, a few miles after that and we were back at Cycle Works and the end of another SMNDFBR. Thanks as always to those who came out, let's hope that the end of the hot weather is just around the corner.
Next week we are planning on joining the Ride for Randy, it's not the type of ride you ever really want to have to go to but it's one that we feel we owe it to Randy to ride in. If you're interested in going it's open to anyone and details can be found here.