Walked into the shop on Saturday and immediately fell in love with this pair of cyclists hanging on the wall. I bet if I came home with one of these I wouldn't get the death stare the next time I showed up at home with some random bike thingamajig... it's all about perspective after all. Not sure what in the world I'd do with it or where I'd put it but it just spoke to me.

Since I couldn't figure out how much it cost or how to get it down and home, I decided it was best to just leave it there and go for a ride.

Unbeknownst to the crew I decided to use Big Bird in place of the more common bird when they show up in pictures on the ride... it happens more than you think. Now that they are aware I'm guessing Big Bird is going to be an honorary SMNDFBR member and I'll be busy pasting tiny birds. Hopefully the folks at Sesame Street aren't regular readers of the blog.

Lincoln didn't get much in the way of snow but what we did get was mostly gone by Saturday, leaving all the dirt more than a bit muddy so the plan was gravel out to Eagle and back. Of course there were also a few more bird sightings on the way.

At 190th, Pioneers Blvd turns into a minimum maintenance road and we stopped to survey the conditions of the road. Most people thought it was too soft and decided to head north on 190th and then east on A St.

I say most because Joe jumped on his Blackborow and exclaimed "We've got the tires for this" and promptly took off down B road. As you can see in the picture, Joe is to the left of the tree by the snow on the road. That is all the farther he got, then got stopped dead in his tracks, fell over and walked the bike back to 190th. The fat bike equivalent of the walk of shame.

To be fair, a few of us tried the road as well but I've had some experience with fat bikes and mud so I got about as far as the sign and knew nothing good was going to come from continuing. Fat bikes are great in snow, loose gravel, sand and most other things but in thick mud, they tend to pick it up like a snow ball until it just locks up the rear tire. Clean up is extensive and time consuming to say the least.

Once the bike was clean enough to get it rolling again, we were off to Eagle to catch up to the other half that thought better of even attempting the MMR.

After a short break and some food and drink, it was time to get rolling again. The MoPac wasn't too terrible leaving Eagle, in the shade it was actually pretty good with the snow cover but where the sun had melted the snow it was pure slop.

Not wanting to fight the wind and hills on the way back, half of the group decided to take the MoPac all the way back and the other half decided to take A St. back, we crossed paths again briefly at Walton.

We regrouped at 84th St. and rode for a bit again until we got to 66th, where we officially ended the ride and went our separate ways.

Joe, Gary and I decided to head over to Krispy Kreme to warm up a bit and get some coffee and Joe-nuts before heading back to Cycle Works. Both hit the spot.
No ride next week as it is the Frosty Bike Ride, if you haven't signed up yet click the link and get registered. First 175 riders are guaranteed to get a commemorative cycling cap from Walz Caps, plus all registered riders are entered to win the Salsa Beargrease below! Hope to see you there.