Yesterday brought us another edition of the Saturday Morning No Drop Fat Bike Ride and one that almost didn't happen. Earlier in the week Saturday looked like a beautiful day but as it got closer to the day the worse the outlook became. As a mater of fact, just the night before there was still a 50-50 chance we'd get rained out.

As it usually does, the forecast changed while we were sleeping and the chance of rain diminished significantly meaning that the ride was still on! We even managed a fantastic turn out for the ride with 13 of us in total at one point considering we weren't eve sure if it was going to happen.

As is usual for the ride we had to weave our way though town on side streets and bike paths as we headed towards Wilderness Park.

Scooted by Blue Blood Brewing, past Van Dorn park and onto the dirt. Not our usual route but we had to detour to pick something up... crossing Hwy 2 is always an adventure but we all survived.

Joe brought his big bike, those tires are so big.

Wilderness ended up being in really good shape, we did have one small, quick sprinkle while we were in there but it didn't even make the ground wet. Unfortunately we weren't so lucky once we left Wilderness as we got dumped on as we were riding back, thankfully we had already hit the pavement by that time. Getting stuck on dirt as it gets softer and softer is not a whole lot of fun.

Like a pack of wet dogs we hid inside Scooters in the Haymarket waiting for the rains to subside a little, the hot coffee was nice and hit the spot... the usually comforting A/C is not so nice when you're soaked from head to toe but you have to take the good with the bad I suppose. Once we left the coffee shop we all kind of split and headed to where ever home was to take advantage of the small window of dry in between rain storms. Hopefully the cooler fall weather is just around the corner and more important, hopefully it's DRY.
Last but not least, if you own a fat bike and love to camp as well, UNL Outdoor Adventures is putting together a two day bike packing adventure out west in the Halsey National Forest. For $95 it sounds like they will provide transportation there and back as well as route planning and food packing. If you're interested you'll have to check with them for more details, the page says just show up with your bike so I'm not sure if that means everything else (tent, sleeping bag, water, etc.) is provided or not but I'm sure a quick call down there or a message on their Facebook page would get that all sorted out. Either way it sounds like an amazing time if you're free the weekend of October 7-9.